Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Gone Country

After deciding to pursue education for a Dietician Degree and possibly go into NaturoPathic Medicine an opportunity has presented itself that will delayed my pursuit.

Part of the ideals of Naturopathic Medicine is all natural remedies. What better way to obtain those than to grow them. My family is now in the process of selling our house in the city to move outside any city limits (country) with more land. We have found an 11.6 acre property that has 3 ponds with fish and turtles, gardens that produce okra, sweet potatoes, strawberries, blackberries, and more. The house is what I would call basic quality and built by the current owner who is a graying man with a "Good Ole Boy" demeanor that could do anything. We have a contract to buy the property and now need to sell our house.

Just within the first 24 hours of listing our house on the market we got a request to show it and got positive feeback. Within 3 weeks we got an offer. We are set to close on both properties July 31st. I am brimming with excitement this new adventure will bring. All in all I may have unrealistic expectations and romantized ideas but I know it's going to be great. Remember, I don't know anything about living in the country being born and raised in the city. Oh boy, let the packing begin!

I'll let you know what I discover.

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