Friday, March 22, 2013

Purposful Life

This post is not from the view point of someone who knows their purpose and wants to share how you can find yours too. I'm lost like the rest of you and as a last attempt to console my soul I'm writing about it.

I consider myself to be self aware of who I am and why I am the way I am but that doesn't mean I know what to do with that information. This point in my life I am happy in my personal life but discontent in my professional working life even though I love the place I work. I'd rather they were one and the same instead of leading two lives but society almost forces two incomes on families. Almost being the key word, some of it is lifestyle choices. I've researched many different interesting things in the hopes that they would lead to a career choice but after learning all I feel I need to, it no longer interests me and I move on to something else.

You might have noticed that I strive for financial freedom like the financial guru Dave Ramsey teaches.For this reason I am unable to go back to school to pursue what I think I have finally found to be a purposeful life intended for me to lead. It started with the goal to lose my pregnancy weight before my daughters first birthday. Next month she will be two and I accomplished my goal but have continued to stay informed about food and health. I've maintained a passionate interest in the subject (for over a year) long enough to feel confident that this could be a career choice. It's transformed into a desire to pursue a Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition and then pursue a graduate degree in Naturopathic Medicine.

With a full time job, a full time working husband, and an almost two year old daughter life is already busy. Not to mention I'm going to be 29 this year with 8+ years of education before even practicing. All this makes for a strong case of fear and doubt. Sure one class at a time is possible do-able.

I can at least do my part by sharing links to great resources that provide valuable health information for you to take control of your health. For honesty's sake, I have joined the affiliate's group of Food Matters so if you use my link to visit their website and end up purchasing one of their products I do get a small percentage. Please know that I chose to associate myself with the Food Matters documentary because I truly believe in the message and not for the purpose of making money.

I will be focusing more of my blogging to this topic in addition to my regularly random life experiences. I hope to become a source of accurate and valuable health information like those that I trust as I attempt to pursue my dream.

Resources: Food Matters
                The Raw Food Life
                 Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges


  1. Go for it! You can do whatever God puts into your heart.

  2. Thank you for the encouragement. I've applied to a University and waiting for Academic Advisement meeting. Here's to dreams!
